
Oh my Gosh y’all, I’ve been so M.I.A. and I apologize for my absence. I have family and friends that need to hear from us and I have been slacking so badly that it hurts me to let them down. I’m so sorry! But a quick update… we are all doing okay and healthy and trying to live our best lives.

As most of you know, we’ve had our 2nd baby on June 3 2019, Levi Matthew Salinas, and he is a riot. Another mommy clone. He is now ONE YEARS OLD (!), and I have to say, life. has. been. crazy. I try not to complain. My babies are happy, they are healthy, my husband loves me and the boys, we have a roof over our head and food in our bellies, we have fun, and we live a pretty great life. We live in Europe! I honestly can’t complain. But you guys…

(My tiny little mouse… weighed just over 5lbs!)

Depression is REAL. Mental illness IS REAL. Don’t get me wrong. I am happy. I really am. I have everything in the world that anyone could ever want! I know my blessings and I’m not blind to what I have, but the veil… it’s so awfully inhibiting. If ever there was a description of a demon, it’s depression. It’s an everyday fight and a struggle to push it down to hell where it belongs. Say a little prayer for me y’all, cause God knows I need it.

The good news is that I am strong. At least strong enough to prevail most of the time. I am able to be present and enjoy my family and the life we have built. I pray. Sometimes I fast. I have great support with the hubby, he really lifts me up. I take it all in. I try to snapshot all the moments I know will pass quickly, and for the most part, It works! I mean, check out some of these photos *heart eyes*

I do have a major update… We are moving! Finally. Officially. We’ve been in the dark about what will happen for a couple of years and it’s been awful. Just a limbo-like inhibitor that made our time here so unpredictable. We weren’t able to really plan and get everything we can out of being here! There are quite a few things we were not able to do that we wanted. So I’m a little upset about that; However, we will be back for sure! I think we’ve realized that this isn’t a place one leaves permanently. It’s captured our hearts and it’s where my boys were born. We kind of have to come back, lol. For now though, I think it’s time to catch our breath and put down some roots for these kids. School-age is approaching fast and we need to recollect ourselves and figure out what our next step is.
(Lago Di Como 2019)
(Munich Christmas Market 2019)

So where are we moving? Las Vegas! Extremely different than anywhere we’ve ever lived. Hot. Dry. Sinful? Hahaha, just kidding. We’re excited. A little nervous, but that’s what we do. Move. Explore. Move again. We’ll be stateside by mid July this year (2020). It’s going to be hectic and chaotic, these boys and this dog don’t make anything easy on us, let me tell ya. See y’all soon! Auf Wiedersehen!

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