Life Lately (June 2018)

During the last leg of our stay in Wiesbaden, we decided to visit Köln (Cologne). The main attraction is the cathedral, which is known for its shrine of the ‘Three Kings.’ Many Catholics will be familiar with this as it holds a special part of the church-especially during the advent season. Being able to see this place in person was truly a divine sight. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see the shrine up close as it was Sunday when we visited. The church was holding normal mass hours and couldn’t accommodate the visitors as they usually could, but we were allowed to see the rest of the church in all its beauty. It was truly breathtaking! *Side note* I completely forgot to wear something appropriate (as you know, many Catholic churches will absolutely not allow you to enter unless you are conservatively covered), so I had to scramble and find an open store to buy something to cover my shoulders. I had my scarf ready to go and forgot it at home, so I was desperate. On Sundays in Europe, almost everything is closed. If you’re lucky there will be restaurants, a gas station, or a gift shop that extend their hours, but don’t hold your breath… By. The. Grace. Of. God… I found a gift shop with t-shirts! I was able to enter. It was meant to be! The gothic exterior was only an appetizer to the main course. This was by far one of the most beautiful churches I’d ever seen! I wanted to get married here, re-baptized here… die here! The pillars are massive, and the stained glass windows are a sight to behold. The smell is reminiscent of the oldest library you’d ever visited. Mass was being held in Latin. I mean…Out of respect for the ongoing service we cut our visit inside short. There were tourists talking loudly, laughing and trying to wander where the other parts were closed off. I was disgusted with their behavior and I could tell the guards were extremely annoyed so I just said my prayers and blessed my baby, admired the art and inner chapels quickly and left. The outside was just as beautiful as the inside, so this didn’t pose a problem with us.Afterward, we walked around the city (F.Y.I. almost all cities in Europe-not only Germany-are extremely walkable), got lost, and enjoyed the scenery. We stopped for a bite along the Rhine and just took in the sunset with a glass of wine. Honestly, I don’t think we’ve had bad wine since we’ve been here, so I intend to enjoy it as much as possible!Until next time, Tschüss!

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